Let's Chat!


Military Retirement

Your story.

This is your story.

The one you want to have told – in the right way, with the best characters, in the right place.

The story with all the details.

Making your story come to life is my passion.

Your design.

This is your design.

Inside shoot? Outside shoot? Both?

Serious or silly? Elegant or loud? Homey or a flight of imagination? Formal or wild?

We collaborate up to the day of the shoot to build it. Or, you can leave the design in our capable hands.

Want your picture turned into a work of art? Want a composite made? It’s your design. We will make it happen.

Your moment.

Your headshot. Your portrait. Your family. Your newborn. Your event. Your pets. Your activities. Your life.

All of these are your moments.

All of them deserve to be captured at the precise second that matters.

Let's turn those moments into memories to be visited again and again.

Born in Maine, Jim spent most of his life, even his younger days, with a camera in his hand. He loved the idea of preserving a moment or a story on a small rectangular piece of film paper. He loved sharing those stories with family and friends and he loved learning about other people through their photographs and their stories. During his time as a public educator and a tech trainer, he continued growing his photography and editing skills, first to teach middle and high schools about the craft and in a second career, to teach adults the art of photography and the ways to edit and manipulate those photos. His continuing education, in the fields of photography and technology, has kept him up-to-date and able to be even more creative in the way he approaches a photography project. Contact him to discuss your story, your design, and your moment!

Schedule Your Consultation

Please fill out the form below and submit it. You will receive a text or email confirming your consultation appointment.  During the consultaton we will discuss the specifics of what type of shoot you’re looking for, options for the shoot, and pricing. The consultation is free. It’s a time for me to get to know you a little bit and you to know me as we build a shoot together!

TYPE OF SHOOT - Please check all that you want to discuss during the consultation. Click "Not Sure" if you're not ready to decide.